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What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that occurs naturally in our body. The special properties of this substance are especially effective in the skin, joints and eyes.

One of the special properties of hyaluronic acid is that it retains moisture. Lots of moisture! One gram of hyaluronic acid retains up to six liters of moisture. Hyaluronic acid ensures that, among other things, your skin always gets enough water and therefore remains firm, flexible and beautiful.

The younger the skin, the higher the amount of hyaluronic acid in the body. You can recognize young skin with sufficient hyaluronic acid in terms of volume, suppleness and elasticity. As you get older, the amount of hyaluronic acid in the body and therefore also in the skin decreases. The skin then becomes drier, sagging and starts to form wrinkles, fine lines and folds. Injections of hyaluronic acid and under the skin can, to some extent, reverse these signs of aging. This leads to a rejuvenating effect that can last for several months.


What is Profhilo®?

Profhilo® is a new type of hyaluronic acid with unique properties for a natural anti-aging effect. Like many treatments in cosmetic medicine, Profhilo® also contributes to reducing the physical and visible effects of aging. With Profhilo®, thermal cross-linking provides support for making hyaluronic acid more resistant to hyaluronidase, the enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid and naturally occurs in our skin. In this way, the recovery of natural hyaluronic acid through injections has a longer-lasting effect.


Why a Profhilo® treatment?

The main reason for choosing a Profhilo® treatment is that this method of thermal cross-linking shows a longer effect compared to treatments with uncrosslinked hyaluronic acid. In addition to the fact that the Profhilo® treatment shows a longer effect, the treatment is also safer compared to uncrosslinked hyaluronic acid. Because there are no additions to the gel of this natural anti-aging treatment, the chance of body reactions is enormously limited.

This relatively new type of hyaluronic acid stimulates the production of, among other things, different types of collagen (1, 3, 4 and 7) and elastin in keratinocytes and fibroblasts. In addition, research has shown that Profhilo® has a stimulating effect on the differentiation and survival of stem cells and fat cells present in the fat. This effect does not occur with a traditional hyaluronic acid treatment.


The treatment

The spread of Profhilo® when it is injected under the skin makes the treatment extremely easy and well tolerated for you. In most cases, the distribution of the 2 ml will suffice. over 10 points, for example 5 per half face. Massage is then not necessary because the gel spreads itself. Due to the limited number of injections with a Profhilo® treatment and the possibility to bypass vascular risk areas, the risk of hematomas is low.

Profhilo® contains two different hyaluronic acids (high molecular weight hyaluronic acid and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid). Because the treatment consists of a combination of different hyaluronic acids, this has a stimulating effect on the skin's biology. This effect does not occur separately. In short, the whole is more than the sum of its parts.



The areas

The Profhilo® treatment is widely applicable to improve the condition of the skin. This treatment is particularly popular in the face, neck, neckline, upper arms and hands. The same price applies to each of these areas.


Before and after treatment

For the treatment

In principle, anesthesia is not necessary for a Profhilo® treatment. If you do want this, we advise you to be present half an hour earlier so that we can apply Emla cream (anesthetic cream) to you. To prevent any bruising after treatment, you can start taking Arnica drops five days before treatment. In addition, it is advisable to stop all dietary supplements, vitamins and fish oil 5 days before the treatment. Also, do not use blood-thinning medicines, such as Aspirin, Naproxen and Ibuprofen. Consult your doctor if necessary. Finally, it is important not to take any more alcohol 48 hours before the Profhilo® treatment.

After treatment

The first 3 days after your Profhilo® treatment we do not recommend a visit to the sauna, hammam or swimming pool. In addition, we advise against sunbathing within 3 days after the treatment. Furthermore, it is not advisable to undergo intensive treatments in the treated area during the first 48 hours after the Profhilo® treatment. This includes peels, facial rubs, microdermabrasion, laser and connective tissue massages.


Recovery time after Profhilo®

Although in most cases a Profhilo® treatment is without any problems, inflammation reactions can occur in exceptional cases. This may include redness and swelling, which are sometimes accompanied by itching or pain when touched. These reactions can last for 3 to 5 days. In addition, a bump or hardening may occur at the injection site. If the side effects last longer than indicated, contact your treated doctor at all times.


The result

The result of a Profhilo® treatment is visible for about 12 months and will gradually decrease in the last months. However, the result can differ per individual. The recommended repeat treatments take place after one month. In total, these are two to three treatments. You can then opt for a touch up, which takes place every six months.